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FFR Games Played:235
Last Activity:01-29-2009
Forum Posts:9
Member for: 17.03 years
Gaming Region:USA - Great Lakes
Profile Views: 5,411
Profile Votes:44
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About me:
Watashi wa ******** desu. (not givin' out my name, sorry) Konichiwa! =^_^= I'm not actually Japanese. I just love the language. (though I don't know too much yet) I'm currenly studying for a degree in game art and design.
Like: Music, video-games (ask about my DS friend codes if you want), roller-blading/ice skating, anime, manga, drawing/painting, and lots more. :) Dislike: Furries (seriously, there is a reason humans don't have fur and claws), music elitists, video-game fanboys/girls, and people who have enough energy to whine about their sucky life but not enough energy to do something about it.
Fav Music:
A little of everything. Dir en Grey, Maximum the Hormone, Within Temptation, musicals, Blue October, Evanescence, and much more. My music:
Fav Movies:
RENT, the 3 Death Note movies, Sweeney Todd, The Dark Knight, and a bunch of others.
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Random Thoughts
Busy busy busy
Posted on: March 27, 2009, at 09:40:41am   [0 comments]
Sorry for my lack of updating lately everyone. Everytime I'd start to make a new random thought, I ended up getting distrated by something else. I don't have a lot of time to write today, so this will be short.

First off, Excellent site. I have an entire favorites folder dedicated to manga series hosted there. Everything is free. No downloads required. I just finished reading through InuYasha recently and I'm now waiting on the next chapter of Perfect Girl Evolution (aka: Wallflower) not-so-patiently.

Next, I:Scintilla. Electronica and rock mixed. Very cool stuff. Scin is a great song by them.

Finally, ....nah, I'm just joking. I only had two points. =P

Well, I've got to get going now. Off to another day of college! Yay! :|


Posted on: January 30, 2009, at 02:07:55pm   [0 comments]
Okay, for those who don't know, there are actually legit ways to earn prizes and money online. The one I'm really into right now is swagbucks. It is totally free to sign up and all you have to do is search. That's right, search. Like you normally would on google or yahoo.
Here's the deal: you sign up for free, use their search engine, and randomly get swag bucks. Swag bucks can be traded in for prizes and gift cards. To earn extra swag bucks, you can submit a poll (if they use it you get bucks), get promo codes (by reading their blog), or referring friends (what I'm doing right now).
It is definately safe and legit. I did tons of research before signing up, so don't worry about that.
If you like getting free stuff easily, this site is for you. If you do want to sign up, please use my referal link (below). I'd really appreciate the extra bucks. Thanks!


Also, for taking the time to read this, here is a promo code that will give you an extra swag buck: BeMine (works for a limited time only)

Sweeney Todd
Posted on: April 1, 2008, at 11:05:20pm   [1 comment]
Sweeney Todd is an amazing movie. Go watch it. Now.
Johnny Depp is perfect as Sweeney Todd/Benjamin Barker and has a surprisingly good singing voice. Are you watching it yet? No? Go!

Anime - HELP!
Posted on: March 16, 2008, at 05:00:08pm   [2 comments]
I need suggestions for a new anime to watch! I finished Death Note a while back (my all time fav anime now) and I just finished Love Hina today (pretty cool). I currently watch Naruto so that isn't an option.
Can someone out there please suggest a great anime to start watching?
I love anime, but I don't have much access to it here at home so I don't know about any new/old great animes to watch. I would be greatly thankful for any help you all can provide! Thanks! :D

I'm weird
Posted on: March 6, 2008, at 09:42:30pm   [0 comments]
I love music. (all kinds)
I love video-games.
I love peanut butter on chocolate bars.
I love being random.
I love having random mood swings.
I love to laugh at spam mail.
I love my dog more than some of my cousins.
I love anime more than is natural.
I love reading. I'd rather spend time with a good book than my family.
I love killing my character in video-games just to see what happens.
I love killing my teammates in co-op games.
I like shopping more than I'll ever admit to anyone.
I love paint-by-numbers.
I love drawing anime characters.
I like Raven from the Teen Titans more than is healthy. (I wish I was more like her)
I love roller coasters. (as long as they don't go too high)

I hate how sports players get payed so much for playing a game.
I hate how expensive iPods are when you can get an offbrand, which is better, for cheaper.
I hate the fact that everyone assumes I am boycrazy and into fashion because I am a 16 year-old girl.
I hate feeling like I have to prove myself to my guy friends that I am just as skilled as they are at video-games.
I hate pretending to be something I'm not, but I do it anyway.

I can't dance (imo), but I love to do it anyway.
I can't sing (imo), but I love to do it anyway.
I am in love with an anime character (L from Death Note if you must know).
I have been known to scream randomly for no reason.
I like pretending I know Japanese. (I do know a little)
I'd rather take Algebra twice than take Geometry again.
I find it strange that Lit. classes ask for your interpretation/opinion of a poem, but then tell you YOUR interpretation/opinion is wrong.
I still like Pokemon games.
I think the Metroid series is the best video-game series ever.
I have often thought of what it would be like to fly.
I wish I could breathe underwater.
I sometimes wonder if I am adopted, even though I know that is impossible.

I post things on this site thinking that someone might actually read them....I am really weird....

Comment wall
blitzboy23 writes...
at 10:58:31pm on 10/15/09
I wanted to make one for the "halo/walking on sunhsine" but i want the video and i'm having trouble getting it if i do i will make one of it though for sure
Nyuu Chan writes...
at 3:43:15pm on 3/27/09
The name is on my video, but not the 'mr.wonderful'.
Destatsi writes...
at 11:43:34am on 2/22/09
Destatsi writes...
at 2:03:25pm on 2/21/09
But I think bestiality is gross, but I like teh furries.
Destatsi writes...
at 12:48:07am on 2/21/09
But furries are secsy =[
nooboon writes...
at 3:41:21pm on 10/28/08
the pic is from clannad....a visual novel.....
NFD writes...
at 12:45:33am on 9/27/08
XPYRYMYNT writes...
at 4:27:07pm on 9/24/08
What's his gamertag?
XPYRYMYNT writes...
at 11:13:25pm on 9/23/08
I'm not trying to like brag or be a dick, but your comments made you look fairly stupid. My team is ranked 8th in the world, so unless your friend John is ranked 1-7, he's not better than me xD
Also, being a level 50 online means nothing. There's over 10,000 50s.
GG_Guru writes...
at 12:23:28pm on 9/13/08
hey whats up? i gave u a thumbs up give me one too! XD
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